雪之风 の 碎片。。。

云云 与 BS 的“爱情”故事

我的好朋友给的一个小挑战 。。。希望没让你失望 。。。

[Background Music – Elva’s 衝動 ]

很感激 这城市拥挤的大楼
让你我 还能多相处吃午餐
人群中 怕太明显所以终是忽视你
一刻不放松 不放松

忍不住 想要扁你的冲动
不确定你对于我 有什么感受
你给的话语 在我心中乱乱走动
刺激我 怔撼我心灵

忍不住 想要K你的冲动
不确定我的拳头 能让你开窍
我只能相信 自己信念不怕继续
希望你的想法 让我不想再踹你

我的心 是被你设定的炸弹
提醒我 想你的时间太够用
为什么 地铁上我能睡在你的肩膀
是你在意我 你喜欢我

你是情人 还是朋友
没有力气 想得太多
你的世界 如此峡小

云云 与 BS 的“爱情”故事 MintyFlake Y

雪之风 の 思恋。。。

*** Kindly note that all Stories are under CopyRight of MintyFlake a.k.a XueLun ***

I Wait

I wait for you,
anxious to see your face.

I stand and watch,
looking for the first sign of your arrival.

I finally see you,
I take a second look to make sure you're really there.

My pulse races and I crack a smile,
this is what I've been waiting for.

You begin to approach,
you say, "Sorry, I'm late."

I say, "No problem."
But I think to myself,

'I'd have waited forever.'

- Jordan Jones -

Two Hearts

Two hearts intertwined...

Different views...
Different dreams...
Different needs...
Different wants...

Bound by a fragile string called LOVE...

Union as willed by GOD...

A journey in life...

May be pounded by the forces of nature...
May be struck by the fiercest lightning...

Yet two hearts bound by a delicate twine...

STRONG enough...
To stand the test of time.

- Jerome Bartolabac -

雪之风 の 沉思。。。

  • 爱我。。。 就给我时间。。。。。
  • 我是活在孤岛的孤独流浪者2
  • 我是活在孤岛上的孤独流浪者
  • 云云 与 BS 的“爱情”故事
  • Bad Luck Streak with a little sweet luck
  • One Day... We Will Meet Again...
  • Twenty Questions

  • 雪之风 の 日记。。。
    April 2009
    May 2009
    January 2010
    September 2010
    December 2010

    雪之风 の 目录。。。

    Everlasting Love (Completed)

    Revenge of Love (In Progess)

    One Day... We Will Meet Again (Completed)
    Where Are you? I Do Need You (Completed)

    A New Chapter For Us (Completed)
    A Method to Cure Sickness (Completed)
    A Twist of Fate (Completed)

    Realization (Completed)
    Twenty Questions (Completed)
    Lost & Found (In Progress)
    Choices & Decisions (In Progress)
    Bad Luck Streak with a Little Sweet Luck (Completed)

    (In Progress)

    雪之风 の 告白。。。
    ~X~U~E L~U~N~
    = PuRpLe Lavender =
    + Hotohori Sirius +
    = MiNtyfLaKe =
    + AuTuMn +
    = Sept 04 =
    + Virgo +

    :: 雪之风 の 述说。。。::

    雪之风 の 爱恋。。。
    Fuuron a.k.a Wind

    雪之风 の 感谢。。。
    Designer: DamnBlackRose
    Fonts by: Dafont
    Brushes by: Atomica
    Picture by: Clara