雪之风 の 碎片。。。





所以,有些人,会用尽手段、不择手段。。。 让自己能站在世界的高峰。。。


那种孤独、没有任何温暖的冰冷感受。。。 如果没有自己体验过是永远不会明白的。。。。。。。。

人类。。。。。。。。。 是最有爱心也最残忍的生物。。。。。。

他可以现在对你很好。。。。。。。 以后拿一把隐行的刀把你砍得体无完肤。。。。。。。



宁可永远的漂浮、流浪。。。。 也不想再为了什么而留恋。。。。。。。。。

因为。。。。。。。。 已经没有值得的价值了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。


我是活在孤岛的孤独流浪者2 MintyFlake Y

雪之风 の 思恋。。。

*** Kindly note that all Stories are under CopyRight of MintyFlake a.k.a XueLun ***

I Wait

I wait for you,
anxious to see your face.

I stand and watch,
looking for the first sign of your arrival.

I finally see you,
I take a second look to make sure you're really there.

My pulse races and I crack a smile,
this is what I've been waiting for.

You begin to approach,
you say, "Sorry, I'm late."

I say, "No problem."
But I think to myself,

'I'd have waited forever.'

- Jordan Jones -

Two Hearts

Two hearts intertwined...

Different views...
Different dreams...
Different needs...
Different wants...

Bound by a fragile string called LOVE...

Union as willed by GOD...

A journey in life...

May be pounded by the forces of nature...
May be struck by the fiercest lightning...

Yet two hearts bound by a delicate twine...

STRONG enough...
To stand the test of time.

- Jerome Bartolabac -

雪之风 の 沉思。。。

  • 我是活在孤岛上的孤独流浪者
  • 云云 与 BS 的“爱情”故事
  • Bad Luck Streak with a little sweet luck
  • One Day... We Will Meet Again...
  • Twenty Questions

  • 雪之风 の 日记。。。
    April 2009
    May 2009
    January 2010
    September 2010
    December 2010

    雪之风 の 目录。。。

    Everlasting Love (Completed)

    Revenge of Love (In Progess)

    One Day... We Will Meet Again (Completed)
    Where Are you? I Do Need You (Completed)

    A New Chapter For Us (Completed)
    A Method to Cure Sickness (Completed)
    A Twist of Fate (Completed)

    Realization (Completed)
    Twenty Questions (Completed)
    Lost & Found (In Progress)
    Choices & Decisions (In Progress)
    Bad Luck Streak with a Little Sweet Luck (Completed)

    (In Progress)

    雪之风 の 告白。。。
    ~X~U~E L~U~N~
    = PuRpLe Lavender =
    + Hotohori Sirius +
    = MiNtyfLaKe =
    + AuTuMn +
    = Sept 04 =
    + Virgo +

    :: 雪之风 の 述说。。。::

    雪之风 の 爱恋。。。
    Fuuron a.k.a Wind

    雪之风 の 感谢。。。
    Designer: DamnBlackRose
    Fonts by: Dafont
    Brushes by: Atomica
    Picture by: Clara