雪之风 の 碎片。。。

One Day... We Will Meet Again...

Sitting there on the couch, watching the rain drops hitting the window slides, memories of him clearly refresh on my mind. The weather now is the same as the day he left. I can still feel his hold around me, his voice and his breath circling around my ears. The scent that he always carried is still fresh on my mind.

If that day, that event, never happens, I will not be who I am right now. Maybe I will still be the “little” girl who thinks that there is no such thing called ‘True Love’ and it only exists in fairy tales.

Here is the story that I am going to share it with you, that changes my life. The story that happens between him and me, the story that will never be wiped off in my memories… … …

“I can never figure this question! Why can’t you set another easier question for me?”

That was a constant whining from my sister, Joey, who is going to retake her college exams. As usual, I am there giving her tuition to help her get through the exam papers, at the garden near our house. There are a lot of benches set up along the garden and it is an ideal place to study as the surrounding is quiet and peaceful.

Joey can never stop complaining about the difficulties of all the questions that I had set for her. I was already irritated on that day by a certain “bitch” in my senior class, hence, I show little patient towards Joey.

“Can you stop complaining? The question is not difficult at all. Try it before you ask or complain! You are so irritating!”

To add more to my irritation, at that moment, a group of boys sat on the bench next to the one that Joey and I was. They were chatting and making a lot of noises. Needless to say, from their appearances, they are what we called ‘gangsters’. Normally, when there are any group of such people appeared, Joey and I will either walk away or stay on our seats till they left. But on that day, I did something that I have never done before.

Looking back now, I am still surprise of what I had done. If I never did that, he and I will never know each other. Maybe that is what we called ‘Fate’ … … Maybe…

As I was mad at Joey about her ‘heck care’ attitude towards her work and I know that she can never concentrated if there are any noises around her. Hence, to me, the group of boys was consider as ‘air pollution’ and ‘noise pollution’. I shot them dirty looks from times to times. Or though they noticed, they did not care of what I did. Still, they continue not to bother about me. Instead, their noise level increases through the minutes passes by. By then, I was not irritated. I was ‘Bursting with ANGER’!

Looking at them, I stood up and did something I never thought I will be doing. I shouted at the top of my voice at them.

“IDIOTS, MOROONS! Can you all go elsewhere to create noise and air pollution? Can’t you see that people are trying to get some peace over here?”

At first, from their expression, they were shocked of what I had done. Apart from them, Joey was speechless and her mouth just hung open upon seeing my action. After the shocking action from myself, I am prepared to be beaten up by them. Surprisingly, none of the boys did anything to me immediately. Instead, they moved to the sides and there stood a guy that looked like their ‘boss’.

I am amused of his appearances. He had this yellowish gold hair, long muscular body, good looking face with a nice smile. I am surprise at his smile! I thought for a moment that I am dreaming before Joey kicked me back to reality.

“Oh, are we really air and noise pollution? Let’s see, we are making a lot of noises. Yes, that’s make us noise pollution. But I don’t see the reason that we are air pollution.”

I was stunned by his nice voice and the way he was talking to me. But instead of answering back normally, I half shouted, half screamed at him as I was very irritated.

“You are air pollution as you exist in this world. Get it? Or do you need me to rephrase the sentence in order for you to understand?”

He was ready for me as he took no time to reply my question.

“I don’t see the need! I DO understand what you mean. But if I am not wrong, this place is for anyone. Unless you did really sign your name here, or else, I don’t think you have the right to ask us not to do anything that we want.”

Upon hearing what he said, I am nearly speechless. But I am pissed off too. I moved towards him but I accidentally tripped by Joey’s leg. I fell backwards but I never hit the ground. He, the ‘boss’ of the idiots caught me in time.

I was in his arms, looking straight at him, embarrassed. We looked into each other’s eyes before I spoke.

“Can you please let go of me now?”

Normally, when anyone hears that sentence, they will definitely let the other party goes. But he just continued to hold me in his arms and spoke.

“Why should I let you go? I got you in my arms. Now, you are MINE. So, I don’t see the reason to let you go. What’s your name, by the way?”

I am SHOCKED by his words. I pulled myself out of his hold, looked straight at him and spoke in a voice as cold as I could make myself sound like.

“You’re nuts. No! You are CRAZY! If you need the mental hospital number, don’t hesitate to look up in the phone directory.”

After saying those words, I grabbed all the books on the table and walked away as quickly as I could. Joey was after me shouting for me to wait for her.

“Nicole! Can you wait for me?”

I really wanted to murder Joey on the spot when she shouted my name as after she had said so, he, shouted after me.

“So, your name is Nicole! See you tomorrow, NICOLE!”

I did not look back or said anything back at him after hearing his words. I continued to journey as quickly as possible back home. And on that very night, I nearly murder Joey.

The next morning, I woke up, with heavy foots. It was not that I did not like to go back to school. But going back means I had to see that ‘bitch’. I pulled myself together and struggled to school.

I spent the whole morning, almost hanging myself, struggling through all the works and projects with my friends. We were all glad when it was time for lunch. At last, we could get out of the cold laboratory to the warm canteen for a nice meal.

I was munching and chatting away happily with my friends when someone shouted my name loudly. I turned my head, so did half of the people in the canteen, to see who the owner of that voice was.

I regretted turning my head as the owner of that voice was him, the ‘boss’ of the idiots that were ‘pollution’ at the garden the day before. He ran happily towards me and I really wanted to bury myself in a hole. All my friends were looking at me, speechless.

“Hello, Nicole. I had been combing for you the whole morning. Finally, I’ve found you.”

I looked at him with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. I pulled him onto a chair and spoke to him in a whisper.

“What in the world are you doing here? And how do you know I am in here? Are you a student in this school? And can you don’t go around shouting my name loudly in public? It’s embarrassing!”

He looked at me, with that melting smile, before looking at my friends and introduced to them who is he instead of answering my questions.

“Hi, I’m Ryan. I think this girl here totally forgotten her manners. I’m Nicole’s boyfriend. Will you all mind if I take her out with me now? I assure you that she will be back tomorrow.”

Before any of my friends could answer, he dragged me away. I was trying to hold back but my strength was nothing compare to his. I looked at my friends who were looking shocked and surprise, and mouthed a silence apology at them.

He pulled me into a car and asked the chauffeur to drive away.

“Where are we going? And who car is this belongs to?”

“Mine. This is my car. He is Jose, my chauffeur. You will see where we are going when we reach the destination.”

After what had happened on that day in school, Ryan started to appear around me everyday, announcing to everyone we are a couple, without failed. Everyone, including myself, got used to him after a while. No matter what I said or do, he would still appear on the next day smiling at me.

Weeks went by, and we DID really become a couple. That was really very un-expecting for me as I had never planned for a relationship. But Ryan is a loving, good, patient, funny guy who touches my heart. Another reason is that I can never forget the words he said when we first met. Especially, the part where he said, “YOU ARE MINE!” I would smile to myself whenever I remembered those words.

The thing about Ryan that is frightening is he can never allow another guy to come near his girl. Ryan never used violence against another guy. If he ever saw another guy near, sat, talked to me, he would sit beside me, without saying a word, and gave the guy a murderous look/stare till that guy left.

I always wondered how Ryan could found out about my timetable. We had never gives each other our contact numbers. (Well, I guess he did check up for mine. But I never had his.) I never tell him where I am going but he will know. I often told him that he is like a guard dog, who knows where I would be.

Ryan’s brain is incredible. Whenever he saw me struggling with my work, he would take a look at the questions and laugh at me. That, not only piss me off but Joey too as he often laughed at her.

“Joey! You are so stupid! This is such an easy question. Why are you struggling with it?”

“Can you shut it? Stop acting as if you know how to solve it.”

That was a common ‘dialogue session’ I always had to hear when Joey and Ryan were both around me. And that was also when I found out that Ryan has an incredible brain that he hated as there were a lot of unknowns forcing him to join those special classes for gifted people.

Ryan NEVER gives me any presents before. He had never given me any flowers, petals, or leaves at the very least. I never complained about this as I guess he was not a romantic guy. But this idea vanishes on the day after my birthday.

It was a weekend and it was also my birthday. Joey and I had planned to get to the restaurant for a nice meal and for a nice shopping after that. I did not tell Ryan about our plan beforehand as I know that he will appear.

Not failing to what I had expected, he appeared at the entrance of the restaurant that very day when we reached. I looked at him with an unbelieving smile. We entered the restaurant and we were having our dessert when Joey handed me my birthday present. Ryan was surprised by the gift and he questioned me and Joey.

“Joey, why are you giving a present to Nicole out of the blue?”

Joey stared at me with a surprise look and I answered Ryan before she could do so.

“Ryan, do you have a problem with Joey giving me a present? It’s a free world, right? Anyone can give someone a present when he/she likes.”

Ryan gave me a mischievous grin before saying anything.

“You’re right. Anyone can give someone a present when he/she likes. But you are special. No one can give you any present except me. Don’t forget, you are mine.”

Joey shot Ryan a dirty look, gave me ‘oh my god’ look before she spoke.

“For heaven sake, Ryan, can I give Nicole a present when it is her birthday?”

Ryan looked at me surprising and gave me a ‘why didn’t you tell me it’s your birthday’ look. I smiled at him and answered in a chucky way.

“Hmm… … now that you know, where is my present?”

“There’s nothing for you as you failed to inform me that it’s your birthday.”

After so, I just smiled and said nothing. He accompanies Joey and me for the whole shopping trip without complaining about the time we had wasted. I even waste an hour inside a crystal shop looking at an expensive snowflake, which I could not afford. Joey and Ryan even had to drag me out of that shop to continue to shop.

The very next day, when Ryan appeared in front of me, he tossed a well-wrapped gift into my hands. I was surprised and I asked him what the present was for.

“That is your present for your birthday.”

That was all he said. I am very happy and I wanted to hug him. But I contained myself by unwrapping the present he had given me. To my biggest surprise, he had given me the crystal snowflake that I could not take my eyes off. Before I knew it, he pulled me into his arms behind my back and asked me gently whether I liked the present. Words failed me; I simply smiled and nodded my head.

Ryan has always been a gentleman towards me. All he does to me is to hug, grab or hold me in his arms. I am very contented with his way of showing his love for me.

But good things never last… …

It was a raining day and I was in the mid of the studies for an upcoming paper. Ryan appeared as usual but I felt that something was wrong with him when I saw him. I asked him what was it and all he said was ‘nothing’. He was not as talkative as usual and he kept holding and hugging me in his arms. I felt that there was something wrong; hence, I just sat there lying on him, without words.

We were in that position for hours and finally, both of us had to leave. When we are going to depart, I smiled to him and said,

“See you tomorrow!”

He did not reply to me like he usually would. Instead, he ran to me and held me in his arms again. When we broke apart, he gave me a painful smile before leaving.

I waited the whole day for him to appear the next day but he never did. He never appears in front of me anymore after that day when we last said our “goodbyes”. He looked as if he had vanishes from the world. As for me, I did not try to get in touch with him nor did I search for the reason for his disappearance.

Weeks past by, followed by months. I never show signs of missing Ryan but I rejected all the guys that proposed to me to be their girlfriend. Joey said that I am hopeless and her heart was broken because she felt that I am a walking zombie. No matter how many times I told Joey that I am fine, she just simply shakes her head and scolded me ‘Silly’.

As a matter of fact, I had never felt that Ryan had really disappeared. This is for a very good reason.

Whenever I am alone, out with my friends, at places, I could feel Ryan’s presence. I had a feeling that he was there with me, standing at places I could not see, looking out for me. Once or twice, I can swear that I did really saw him. It was him! He cannot be missed for his unique hairstyle, body and look. But I never ran after or shouted for him. I knew he was there but I did not see the point for me to go after him.

Out of the blues, one night, I had a dream. It was about Ryan.

I dreamed that he left me for a very good reason. He wanted to protect me from his insane ex-girlfriend. She had found out that Ryan is very fond of me and she wanted to harm me. She threatened Ryan to left me or he would be sorry.

I jumped out of my bed, in cold sweat. The dream was so real. I tried to recall the whole dream, parts by parts. I sat on my bed thinking about it. It was too unbelievable to be true.

Few days later after I had dreamed of that dream, I ran into one of Ryan’s friends. He approached me and asked me whether I am doing well. I told him I am alright and he asked me whether I had ever blame Ryan in any way.

I was curious; hence, I pressed him for Ryan’s disappearance. What made me shocked was that the reason that Ryan had disappeared is the same as what I had dreamed.

I do not know what I could do or say. Ryan did all he can to protect me. He does love me although he never said that before. I did not cry nor did I ask his friend for Ryan’s whereabouts.

I believe that we will meet again one day if we are really meant for each other. I believe that if he does really love me, he will be waiting for me some where. I believe that if he does love me, he can feel how my heart feels for him till this day… …

I believe…

One day… … we will meet again… … One day… …

One Day... We Will Meet Again... MintyFlake Y

雪之风 の 思恋。。。

*** Kindly note that all Stories are under CopyRight of MintyFlake a.k.a XueLun ***

I Wait

I wait for you,
anxious to see your face.

I stand and watch,
looking for the first sign of your arrival.

I finally see you,
I take a second look to make sure you're really there.

My pulse races and I crack a smile,
this is what I've been waiting for.

You begin to approach,
you say, "Sorry, I'm late."

I say, "No problem."
But I think to myself,

'I'd have waited forever.'

- Jordan Jones -

Two Hearts

Two hearts intertwined...

Different views...
Different dreams...
Different needs...
Different wants...

Bound by a fragile string called LOVE...

Union as willed by GOD...

A journey in life...

May be pounded by the forces of nature...
May be struck by the fiercest lightning...

Yet two hearts bound by a delicate twine...

STRONG enough...
To stand the test of time.

- Jerome Bartolabac -

雪之风 の 沉思。。。

  • Twenty Questions

  • 雪之风 の 日记。。。
    April 2009
    May 2009
    January 2010
    September 2010
    December 2010

    雪之风 の 目录。。。

    Everlasting Love (Completed)

    Revenge of Love (In Progess)

    One Day... We Will Meet Again (Completed)
    Where Are you? I Do Need You (Completed)

    A New Chapter For Us (Completed)
    A Method to Cure Sickness (Completed)
    A Twist of Fate (Completed)

    Realization (Completed)
    Twenty Questions (Completed)
    Lost & Found (In Progress)
    Choices & Decisions (In Progress)
    Bad Luck Streak with a Little Sweet Luck (Completed)

    (In Progress)

    雪之风 の 告白。。。
    ~X~U~E L~U~N~
    = PuRpLe Lavender =
    + Hotohori Sirius +
    = MiNtyfLaKe =
    + AuTuMn +
    = Sept 04 =
    + Virgo +

    :: 雪之风 の 述说。。。::

    雪之风 の 爱恋。。。
    Fuuron a.k.a Wind

    雪之风 の 感谢。。。
    Designer: DamnBlackRose
    Fonts by: Dafont
    Brushes by: Atomica
    Picture by: Clara